Evaluation of policies as drivers of energy transition and modeling of a low carbon emission scenario for the energy generation sector in Kenya

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Judy Mbeke Ngungi
John. N. Muthama


Energy transition; renewable energy technologies; green economy


Energy transition is considered integral in seeing countries reduce their emissions and thus reduce the effects of global warming. Understanding the energy, food, and climate change nexus is important for the achievement of a green economy. This paper examines how energy transition plays a key role in the shift to a low-carbon economy and address greenhouse emissions in the country. The research objectives that this paper seeks to answer are (1) how the existing energy- climate change policies and legal frameworks are influencing renewable energy technology adoption and (2) how the increase in renewable energy in the energy mix impacts carbon emission and achieving the national determined contribution goal.  Data were collected through interviews from identified key informants. The findings showed that government involvement through policies has significantly led to the increase in adoption of renewable energy technologies in the country. It was determined that clean energy technologies across the country have increased to 14% by 2016 after the implementation of various energy policies. Additionally, the increase of renewable energy sources in the national generating mix is modeled to have a significant reduction in greenhouse emissions in the country. The low-carbon scenario model estimates that emissions would be reduced to 0.1 metric tonnes by 2040 based on the government’s energy target plans. It was concluded that clean and affordable energy is vital but there is a need for public consultations and awareness of new infrastructure that come with energy transition as this plays a key role in the achievement of sustainable development goals in Kenya.

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