“Promoting Sustainable Production and Consumption Practices while seizing green economy opportunities in Horticultural Processing’’

The HORTI-GREEN project, entitled Inclusive Green Horticultural Processing Sector in Kenya, is an action implemented by Fundación SUSTALDE, University of Nairobi (UoN), Consumer Information Network (CIN), and Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). In the framework of the project, the organizing and scientific committee organized an e-conferee during the week of  October 5-7, 2020 on Sustainable Production and Consumption. The aim of this conference was to foster interaction and provide a knowledge/innovation-sharing platform for research outputs arising from the project and other similar activities that are currently being promoted with an emphasis on the horticultural processing sector.

The project team held a conference where oral presentations were made and translated into publishable peer-reviewed manuscripts. The project team partnered with the East African Journal of Science, Technology, and Innovation (EAJSTI) for a publication of a special issue of the journal focusing on the conference theme, “Promoting Sustainable Production and Consumption Practices while seizing green economy opportunities in Horticultural Processing’’

“The HORTI-GREEN project is co-financed by the European Union. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union”.

Published: 25-05-2021


Essence of Water Governance for SMEs for Sustainable Consumption in Nairobi, Kenya

Bessy Eva Kathambi, John Nzioka Muthama, Cohen Ang'u
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Optimization of ecosystems services for sustainable coffee production under changing climate

James Mwangi Ndiritu, Muthama John Nzioka , Kinama Josiah Mavindani
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Comparison of the efficiency of solar-powered prototype vapour compression cooler with evaporative charcoal cooler in maintaining quality of French beans

Erick. O. Ogumo , Catherine N Kunyanga, Michael W Okoth, John W Kimenju
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Energy and Water Use for Processing by Horticultural Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Linda M. Obiero , Abong George, Okoth Michael Wandayi, John Nzioka Muthama
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Postharvest Handling Practices of Sweetpotato in Kenya: A case of Bungoma and Homabay Counties

Ndanyi Victoria, Abong' George Ooko, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Odhiambo E G
Abstract 342 | PDF Downloads 220

Physicochemical properties and flour pasting profiles of popular sweet potato varieties from Kenya and Uganda

Abong George, Victoria Clare Makungu Ndanyi, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Archileo Kaaya , Wanjekeche Elizabeth , Joshua Ombaka Owade
Abstract 269 | PDF Downloads 161

Knowledge, attitudes and practices synthesis of waste management among horticultural processing MSMES in Kenya

Benson Ouma, Okoth Michael Wandayi, John Nzioka Muthama, Abong George, Marion Villacampa
Abstract 436 | PDF Downloads 310

Exploring Infant Feeding Beliefs and Practices among Mothers in Major Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya

Loyce Joyce Anyango , Okeyo David Omondi, Mugambi Mary, Waswa Judith
Abstract 310 | PDF Downloads 151

Formulation, of cassava root - leaf flakes, acceptability evaluation and determination of nutritional value

Christine Kasichana Masha, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Abong George, Solomon Shibairo
Abstract 331 | PDF Downloads 196

Food Safety Knowledge and Hygienic Practices among Vendors of Vegetable Salads in Pipeline Ward of Nairobi County, Kenya

Obinda Njue L, Abong George , Lucy Gicuku Njue, Joshua Ombaka
Abstract 305 | PDF Downloads 244

Acrylamide Intake in Nairobi Kenya

Abong George, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Joy Wambui Miriti , Jackson Ntongai Kabira
Abstract 312 | PDF Downloads 196

Enhancing yellow maize production for sustainable food and nutrition security in Kenya

Joyce Aguk, Richard Ndemo Onwonga, George Ndiema Chemining’wa, MacDonald Bright Jumbo, Abong George
Abstract 598 | PDF Downloads 384

Effect of washing, packaging material and storage period on the quality of sweetpotato roots

Victoria Makungu, Abong' George Ooko, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Wanjekeche Elizabeth
Abstract 192 | PDF Downloads 98

The Effects of packaging materials on keeping quality of cassava root - leaf flakes

Solomon Shibairo, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Abong’, George Oook
Abstract 268 | PDF Downloads 104

Development of nutritious, safe and acceptable cassava-soy bean flakes

James K. Muchira, Michael Wandayi Okoth, George Ooko Abong'
Abstract 258 | PDF Downloads 216

Current practices concerning the environmental management systems among horticultural processing MSMES in Kenya

Abong George, Linda Maryann Obiero, Okoth Michael Wandayi, Duke Omayio Gekonge , Elmah Odhiambo Geoffrey , Marion Villacampa
Abstract 293 | PDF Downloads 142

Consumption patterns and characteristics of free-range chicken consumers in Embakasi Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya

Shivachi Benson, Abong George, Isaac Likami Shivachi
Abstract 219 | PDF Downloads 232

Consumer awareness, practices and purchasing behavior towards green consumerism in Kenya

Duke Omayio Gekonge , Abong George, Elmah Odhiambo Geoffrey , Marion Villacampa
Abstract 695 | PDF Downloads 455

Constraints and Opportunities for Greenhouse Farming Technology as an Adaptation Strategy to Climate Variability by Smallholder Farmers of Nyandarua County of Kenya

Muriithi David Ikua, David Ikua Muriithi , Boniface Nzuve Wambua, Kennedy Japhan Omoke
Abstract 389 | PDF Downloads 326

Capacity building influence on waste management among horticultural processing medium and small microenterprises in Kenya

Benson Ouma, Michael Wandayi Okoth, John Nzioka Muthama, George Ooko Abong’, Marion Villacampa
Abstract 303 | PDF Downloads 273