The Social Network Analysis and Stakeholders’ Influence on Moringa Plant Development Potential in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

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Chelestino Balama
Upendo Msalilwa
Renatus Masabo
Zacharia Mmari


Moringa, Social, Network, Mpwapwa, Stakeholders, Farmers.


District in Dodoma Region Tanzania. The Moringa plant had been regarded as a potential for medicinal and income purposes. A number of stakeholders have been realized to contribute efforts to develop the production of the plant in the district. This paper therefore analyzed the interactive efforts of stakeholders and perceived influence on supporting the cultivation and business of the Moringa plant in the district.  A questionnaire survey was carried out among 30 Moringa plant farmers.  The influence of stakeholder was analyzed using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to investigate the extent of interaction in the business network. Ten (10) potential stakeholders were identified and categorized as Religious, Commission Agents, International actors, Local Authority and Entrepreneurs. Degree of centrality was used as a measure of the real influence of Moringa plant stakeholders. Findings show that all stakeholders played roles with different influential weights.  There was a noticeable interaction and cooperation among stakeholders in coordinating Moringa plant activities, especially on technical, financial and material support. A multilevel interaction and cooperation of domestic and foreign stakeholders was realized. Therefore, by strengthening the coordinated efforts of stakeholders, applying feasible economic and policy approaches would be appropriate initiatives to scale-up the Moringa plant in a more positive economic promise.

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