Integration and implementation of rainwater harvesting technologies in development programs, planning and budgeting in Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

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Peter Wekesa
Jonh Muthama
Jane Mutune


Governance mechanisms Rainwater harvesting technologies, Water resource, Water technologies


The constitution of Kenya 2010 placed the supply of water and services related to sanitation as a devolved function of County Governments. The clear delineation of roles between the County and National Governments have not significantly improved access to potable and clean water to households. Thirty-six percent of Kenya’s population in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) still have to walk many kilometers in search for water for animal and human utilization There has been introduction of new rainwater harvesting technologies (RHT) that can alleviate the water scarcity, however little progress has been made on improvement of access to clean water in ASAL areas. There is, therefore, need to investigate the initiatives by the County Government of Machakos to integrate and implement water harvesting technologies in its development programs, planning and budgeting among households. Structured questionnaires were utilized to fetch primary data on integration and implementation of rainwater harvesting technologies which were then analyzed. Data was presented using tables, Charts and bar graphs to provide clarity of the findings. Calculation of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Analysis of variance and regression analysis was done in order to deduce clear understanding of the findings. Documentary evidence was used to establish the programs and initiatives put in place by the County Government. The findings suggested that the County Government had put in place mechanisms to integrate RHTs in its development agenda however, the cost remained the biggest impediment to integration. A regression analysis showed that the Integration of RHT had a positive and significant effect on household livelihoods (β= 0.755, t=22.351, p=0.000<0.05). The study recommends that the County Government of Machakos develop programs to support integration of RHTs including providing subsidies, training, engaging development partners to finance rainwater harvesting and providing technical support.

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