The Farmer’s Perception on the Yield Performance of the Different Rice Genotypes under Field Conditions in Tanzania

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Benjamin Peter Mfupe
Susan Nchimbi Msolla
Luseko Amos Chilagane
Sophia Kashenge-Killenga


Farmers selection, Saline-Sodic soils, Tongil types


The Participatory variety selection (PVS) for salt-tolerant rice genotypes with Tongil type rice was conducted in Ndungu, Chanzuru and Magozi irrigation schemes located in different agro-ecological zones in Tanzania during the 2021/2022. The study aimed to identify high-yielding and acceptable rice genotypes through farmers' selections. The experiment involved ten rice genotypes with Tongil types and two check varieties tested under saline-sodic soils. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used. Thirty farmers were invited to participate in the selection at the maturity stage before harvesting. Farmers selected three best and three poor-yielding genotypes. Genotypes Tong rt10 and Tong rt1 were selected by farmers as best genotypes in two locations, while Tong rt2, Tong rt3, Tong rt8, and SATO 1 were selected once by farmers in one location as best genotypes. No genotype was selected as best in all locations. Farmers' selections ranked Tong rt9 and Tong rt7 as poor-yielding genotypes. In order to compare farmers' selection and statistical results, yields of rice genotypes for each location were first analyzed independently and then combined analysis for the three locations using GenStat statistical package 15th Edition at p ≤ 0.05; Treatment means separated by Tukey's 95% confidence intervals. Genotypes responded differently on salt injury; SATO 1, Tong rt 10, Tong rt 3, and Tong rt 5 scored the averages of 4 on a 1 – 9 scale, indicating that plant growth was normal, moderately tolerant to tolerant. In contrast, some genotypes scored an average of 5, indicating reduced growth and tillering, most leaves discolored, and few elongating. Other genotypes scored six (6), showing entire growth ceasing with most plants leaves dying. Based on farmers' preferences, genotypes Tong rt 10 and Tong rt 1 were selected. These genotypes are recommended for future rice variety trials and development.

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