Published: 17-12-2021


Spatiotemporal characteristics of smallholder milk production under changing climate: A case of Nandi County, Kenya

Josephine Kirui, Joshua Ngaina, Nzioka John Muthama, Gachuiri Charles Karuku
Abstract 381 | PDF Downloads 229

Bivariate Based Susceptibility Mapping for Gully Erosion in Wanjoga River Catchment Upper Tana Basin, Kenya

Cecilia Wawira Ireri, George Krhoda, Mukhovi Stellah
Abstract 340 | PDF Downloads 179

Seroprevalence and risk factors of Neospora caninum and Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus in smallholder dairy cattle in Kenya

John VanLeeuwen, Joan Muraya, George Gitau, Dennis Makau, Bronwyn Crane, Shawn McKenna, Jeff Wichtel
Abstract 437 | PDF Downloads 238

Molecular detection of Campylobacter species from human and cattle faecal samples in Kilosa District, Tanzania

Noel Gahamanyi, Leonard E.G. Mboera, Mecky I. Matee, Dieudonné Mutangana, Raghavendra G. Amachawadi, Kye-Yoon Yoon, Mr. Humphrey , Cheol-Ho Pan, Erick V.G. Komba
Abstract 466 | PDF Downloads 159