Published: 25-06-2020


Access to livelihood resources and choices of development strategies:

Christina Mwivei Shitima, Romanus Dimoso
Abstract 1013 | PDF Downloads 232

Impact of calf feeding practices on calf growth and health in smallholder dairy farms in Nyeri County, Kenya

Silvia Situma , George K. Gitau , John VanLeeuwen , Charles M. Mulei , Dr. Peter Kimeli
Abstract 882 | PDF Downloads 248

An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants commonly traded in Kajiado, Narok and Nairobi counties, Kenya

Ann Mwaura, Dr Joseph Kamau, Dr Omwoyo Ombori
Abstract 1620 | PDF Downloads 861

A mobile digital technology (Fionet™) to improve accuracy, completeness and timeliness of research data compared with a non-digital system in Kenya

Stephen Kinoti, Charles Mbogo, Hayim Raclaw, Santiago Ferro, Zahra Hirji, Ernest Yeung, Nora Zwingerman, Teresa Kinyari, Max Schiff, James Ndungu
Abstract 1104 | PDF Downloads 246

A Comparative study of the Sero-prevalence of Peste Des Petits Ruminants Virus among Districts of Different Agro-Ecological Zones in Tanzania

Daniel Mdetele, Misago Seth, Mwemezi Kabululu, Gerald Misinzo, Erick Komba
Abstract 1032 | PDF Downloads 216