Knowledge, attitudes and practices synthesis of waste management among horticultural processing MSMES in Kenya

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Benson Ouma
Okoth Michael Wandayi
John Nzioka Muthama
Abong George
Marion Villacampa


SCP; Waste Management; KAP; Horticultural Processing; MSME


Horticultural processing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Kenya utilize raw agricultural produce and generate large quantities of solid and liquid wastes. However, there is limited information on knowledge, attitude, and current waste management practices among horticultural processing MSMEs in Kenya. This study sought to establish the current knowledge, attitude, and practices on waste management among horticultural processing MSMEs in Kenya. The survey adopted quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, thirty-one (31) Certified MSMEs from Nairobi, Central, and Western regions were surveyed.  using a structured questionnaire. The MSMEs indicated that improper waste disposal has adverse effects on the environment, reuse/reduce/recycle were the core principles of waste management and wastes pollutes the environment. Segregation of wastes was considered good practice while improper waste disposal compromises the quality of the environment. Improper waste disposal is harmful to their environment, their workplace and neighborhoods ought to be clean (71%) each respectively while different waste management practices were used (6.8%).  About 83.9% segregated their waste while 93.5% were not ISO 14001 compliant thereby indicating the need for the MSMEs to work towards certification for productivity and external competitiveness. The respondent-s knowledge on wastes reduction showed that majority of the MSMEs employ the principles of reuse and waste minimization to manage wastes at 52% and 45% respectively. This was followed by recycling at 19% and energy recovery at 16%. The standardized beta coefficient on knowledge, attitude and practice on waste management indicated; values of 0.097(t=0.526), 0.628 (t=4.349) and 0.739 (t=5.913) respectively. Thus, no significant (p=0.603) relationship of knowledge on waste management. There was a significant relationship (p=0.000) between attitude and practices on waste management among Horticultural processing MSMEs.  There is a need to enhance knowledge through training towards sustainable consumption production and practices in MSMEs.

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