Consumption patterns and characteristics of free-range chicken consumers in Embakasi Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya

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Shivachi Benson
Abong George
Isaac Likami Shivachi


Consumption; free range chicken offal; peri-urban


Consumption of free range chicken is on the increase in Kenya and more so in urban set up with sources being Peri-urban or rural areas. Limited information exists on consumption pattern of free range chicken among peri-urban inhabitants in major Kenyan cities, Nairobi included. The current study aimed at determining the consumption pattern among inhabitants in Embakasi Sub-county Nairobi County. This was a cross-sectional survey involving both qualitative and quantitative aspects, data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire. The results showed that there was high consumption of free-range chicken (78.1%) than exotic broilers (15.7%) among the 242 inhabitants that were surveyed. Consumption was also high among males (61%) compared to females (39%). Those who consumed the free-range chicken once a week accounted for 35.1% while those who consumed the chicken once a month accounted for 22.7%. Chicken muscle had a preference of 85.1%. The gizzard and liver had a preference of 4.5%, and 1.7%, respectively. The units of packaging ranged from 0.25kgs to >1kg, though most consumers preferred whole chicken at 47.5%. Significantly (p<0.05) high number of respondents (43.8%) purchased poultry products from the street-side market, Kiosk-Butchers (40.5%) while few (8.3%) purchased products from supermarkets. Consumption of free-range chicken is more popular among male gender, frequencies are dependent on disposable income, occupation and quality attributes such as taste. This study provides information on free range chicken consumption useful to consumer, producer, policy makers, authorities and other stake holders in Poultry research.

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